Download complete CV (Romanian) Download 'CURRICULUM VITAE' Marius-Tiberiu Alexianu PhD
Professor Marius-Tiberiu Alexianu PhD - Project manager (involvement degree: 85%)

The project manager is the author of the first ethnoarchaeologic study in Romania dedicated to the subject, entitled Exploatarea surselor de apa sarata in Moldova: o abordare etnoarheologica, in Thraco-Dacica, 13, 1992, p. 159-167 (in collab.), cited in the special works issued abroad.
Participations at the scientific international congresses and symposia
- Cardona (Spain, 5-9 December 2003): Ist International Archaeology Meeting about Prehistoric and Protohistoric Salt Exploitation (Commmunications: L'exploitation de l'eau salee chez les Autariatae; Sources salees et modes d'implantations de l'habitat);
- Piatra-Neamt (Romania, 21-24 October 2004): Colocviu international Arheologia pre- si protoistorica a sarii, (Commmunications: Sel et conflits aux frontieres: des textes anciens aux interpretations archeologiques; Les recherches ethnoarcheologiques dans la zone de Poiana Slatinei, Lunca: enquetes en 2004 et premiers resultats, (in collab. with Olivier Weller); A Re-evaluation of Salt Resources for Cucuteni - Tripolye Area, (in collab. with Magda Mircea);
- Siguenza (Spain, 6-10 September 2006): International Congress Inland Salt Works and Salt History: Economy, Environement and Society, (Communication: Approche ethnoarcheologique de l'exploitation des sources salees de Moldavie: les enquetes recentes (in collab. with O. Weller and R. Brigand));
- Arc-et-Senans (France, 3-5 October 2006): Colocviul International Sel, eau et foret, (Communication: Usages et enjeux actuels autour des sources salees de Moldavie precarpatique, Roumanie, (in collab. with O. Weller)). The project manager of the latest was included into the Scientific Board of the International Colloquium Sel, eau et foret.
- Iasi (Romania, October 2006): The Symposium Graeco-Latin Antiquity and its Spiritual Heritage. (Communication: Simbolistica sarii la autorii greci si latini);
- Iasi (Romania, 8 May 2007): 1st Colloquium Aegean-Balkans-Carpathians. From Prehistory to Antiquity (Communication: The Slave-Salt Barter in Ancient Thrace);
- Tulcea (Romania, 2007): National Session of Archaeological Reports (Communication: Cercetarile etnoarheologice privind izvoarele de apa sarata din Moldova).
Works published in the domain
- Exploatarea apei sarate la Autariati, in Interferente cultural-cronologice in spatiul nord-pontic, Chisinau, 2003, p. 231-235;
- L'exploitation de l'eau salée chez les Autariatae, in (eds. Alfons Fíguls i Alonso, Olivier Weller) 1a Trobada internacional d'arquelogia envers l'exploitació de la sal i la protohistoria, Cardona, 6-8 dec. 2003, 2007, p. 281-290;
- Implantation des habitats par rapport aux sources salées, in (eds. Alfons Fíguls i Alonso, Olivier Weller) 1a Trobada internacional d'arquelogia envers l'exploitació de la sal i la protohistoria, Cardona, 6-8 dec. 2003, 2007, p. 317 - 328;
- Sources salees et modes d'implantations de l'habitat, in Actes l'explotacio de la sal, Trobada internacional d'arqueologia, Cardona 2007, p. 125-132;
- Sel et conflits aux frontieres: des textes anciens aux interpretations archeologiques;
- The Exploitation of the Salt-Water Sources in Moldavia: an Ethno-Archaeological Approach, in (eds.) D. Monah, Gh. Dumitroaia, O. Weller et J. Chapman, L'exploitation du sel a travers le temps, BMA, XVIII, Piatra-Neamț, 2007, (in colab. cu Gh. Dumitroaia, D. Monah), p. 279-298;
- Recherches ethnoarchéologiques sur le sel: les enquetes de 2004 et les premiers résultats obtenus, in (eds.) D. Monah, Gh. Dumitroaia, O. Weller et J. Chapman, L'exploitation du sel a travers le temps, BMA, XVIII, Piatra-Neamț, 2007, (in colab. cu Olivier Weller), p. 299-318;
- A Re-evaluation of Salt Resources for Cucuteni - Tripolye Area, (in collab. with Magda Mircea) in Actele Colocviului International Arheologia pre- si protoistorica a sarii, Piatra Neamt, Romania, 21-24 October 2004, Piatra Neamt, 2007, p. 199-220;
- Approche ethnoarcheologique de l'exploitation des sources salees de Moldavie: les enquetes recentes (in collab. with O. Weller si R. Brigand), in Actele Congresului International Inland Salt Works and Salt History: Economy, Environement and Society, Siguenza (Spania), 6-10 September 2006, Siguenza, 2007, p. 257-271;
- Usages et enjeux actuels autour des sources salees de Moldavie precarpatique, Roumanie, (in colab. cu O. Weller si R. Brigand), in Actele Colocviului International Sel, eau et foret, Arc-et-Senans (Franta), 3-5octombrie 2006, Arc-et-Senans, 2008, p. 49-72;
- Simbolistica sarii la autorii greci si latini, in Actele Simpozionului Antichitatea greco-latina si mostenirea ei spirituala, Iasi, octombrie 2006, Iasi, 2007, sub tipar;
- Un aspect al economiei trace: sclavi pentru sare, in Tyragetia, Chisinau, s. n., vol. I, [XVI], nr. 1, 2007, p. 307-310;
- Une catégorie d'esclaves thraces: les halônetoi, in Antonio Gonzales (ed.) La fin du statut servile? (affranchissement, libération, abolition...), Actes du 300 colloque du Groupe International de Recherches sur l'Esclavage dans l'Antiquité (GIREA) - Besançon, 15, 16, 17 décembre 2005, vol. II, Besançon, 2008, p. 487-492;
- Halotherapy: from Ethnoscience to Scientific Explanations, in Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, November/December 2009, Vol. 8, No.6, 1331-1338 (I. Sandu, M. Alexianu, R.-G. Curcă, O. Weller, C. Pascu)
- Salt and Human Health: Science, Archaeology, Ancient Texts and Traditional Practices of Eastern Romania, Mankind Quarterly, Vol. 50, No.3 (Spring 2010), pp. 225-256 (I. Sandu, A. Poruciuc, M. Alexianu, R.-G. Curcă, O. Weller)
Managerial competence of the project manager

- Member of the international research project PAI Brancusi entitled At the Origins of the Salt Production in Europe: Prehistory and Echology of the Eastern Carpathians of Romania, 2003-2004, Universite Paris X, Nanterre, 1.200 EUROS;
- Manager of the international research project Egide Sejour scientifique de haut niveau (SSHN) entitled Approches multiples autour de l'exploitation et de l'utilisation du sel: des textes antiques a l'analyse spatiale sous SIG, 2005 Universite de Besancon, 7800 EURO;
- Antologia de textos griegos y latinos sobre la historia de la sal, 2006, within the Programme I+D: HUM2006-27948-E/HIST Action Complementaire financed by the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, Direccion General de Investigacion, 6000 EUROS.
- Co-founder of the Egeo-Meditereanean Research Studies starting with the year of becoming the project manager;
- Ffounding member Archeo-Historical Research Studies since 2001;
- Head of the etnoarchaeological department of the Applied and Theoretical Archaeology Laboratory within the Interdisciplinary Formation and Research Platform in the Field of Archaeology - Arheoinvest, Al. I. Cuza University Iasi, 2007.