Colocviu International / Colloque International / International Colloquium

In zilele de 1-5 octombrie 2008, sub egida Facultatii de Istorie si a Facultatii de Litere, s-au desfasurat lucrarile Colocviului International SEL, PRATIQUES ET CONNAISSANCES / SALT, PRACTICES AND KNOWLEDGE. Prevazut in cadrul programului de activitati asociate a proiectului CNCSIS tip IDEI, 414/2007, Ethnosal - Izvoarele de apa sarata din Moldova. Etnoarheologia unei resurse naturale polivalente, acest colocviu a reunit prestigiosi specialisti in arheologia si istoria sarii din Europa (Bulgaria, Franta, Italia, Marea Britanie, Portugalia, Spania, Romania, Tara Galilor) si America Centrala (Mexic). Comitetul de organizare (M.-T. Alexianu, O. Weller, R.-G. Curca, V. Cotiuga, I. Moga) a structurat comunicarile pe urmatoarele sectiuni: Abordari etnografice ale sarii, Exploatari preistorice in Europa, Practici si cunoastere in antichitate, Abordari lingvistice, Istoria medievala si moderna a productiei de sare. Programul colocviului a inclus, de asemenea, o vizita de documentare la mina de sare de la Cacica (jud. Suceava). (Vezi Afis, Program , Rezumate
The proceedings of the International Colloquium SEL, PRATIQUES ET CONNAISSANCES / SALT, PRACTICES AND KNOWLEDGE occured between the 1st and the 5th of October 2008, under the aegis of the Faculty of History and of the Faculty of Philology. Comprised within the programme of manifestations associated with the project CNCSIS type IDEI, 414/2007, Ethnosal - The Salt Water Springs of Moldavia: The Ethnoarcheology of a Polyvalent Natural Resource, this colloquium gather oustanding specialists in archaeology and the history of salt in Europe (Bulgaria, France, Italia, United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Wales) and Central America (Mexic). The organizing committee (M.-T. Alexianu, O. Weller, R.-G. Curca, V. Cotiuga, I. Moga) structured the communications on the following sections: Ethnographical Approaches on Salt, Prehistorical Exploitations in Europe, Practices and Knowledge in Antiquity, Linguistic Approaches, Mediaeval and Modern History of Salt Production. The programme of the colloquium also comprised a documentation visit to the salt mine of Cacica (jud. Suceava). (See the Poster, Programme and Abstracts